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Lightning Step Features April 19, 2022

How Can Lightning Step Help Create IOP Charges Based on Attendance?


Billing is an integral part of how any behavioral healthcare facility is run. Whether they are in-network with insurance companies or cash payments only, billing is a process that must take place when admitting and discharging patients. However, not all behavioral healthcare facilities and their billing processes look the same. 

For example, some behavioral healthcare facilities offer patients an IOP level of care, basing their billing process on a patient’s attendance. In order to streamline this process for treatment facilities, Lightning Step Technologies has provided our clients the ability to auto-generate IOP charges based on attendance in our All-In-One CRM (Customer Relation Management), EMR (Electronic Medical Record), and RCM (Revenue Cycle Management) system. 

How Integrating EMR and RCM Helps With IOP Charges

At Lightning Step Technologies, our All-In-One system allows facilities to have a fully integrated EMR and RCM. Having an RCM that is fully integrated with EMR can help make the billing process for any behavioral healthcare facility as seamless as possible. 

With Lightning Step, our integrated system auto-generates charges based on unique patient data it pulls from the EMR. With a non-integrated system, census information is typically handed over to the billing department and has to be manually entered into the RCM. However, as soon as a patient’s information is entered into Lightning Step’s system, the charge will be processed on its own without anyone having to enter the data into a separate system later.

Other Important Factors of Fully Integrated EMR and RCM

Lightning Step’s fully integrated EMR and RCM also ensures that the patient or insurance provider receives their bill as soon as possible and prevents missing billable days. As a result, revenue is created for a facility. It also helps ensure bills are paid on time and that backlogging does not occur.

Patient and insurance payments are all kept in the same system with our software. This ensures that a patient or insurance provider understands exactly what they will be paying and does not get caught off guard. Our system keeps things simple, organized, and streamlined so treatment facilities can focus on what matters the most: patient care.

The Importance of Integrating CRM and RCM

Data entered into a CRM is also crucial for creating auto-generated charges in the RCM. Luckily, at Lightning Step Technologies, we combine every part of the process, integrating CRM, EMR, and RCM all in one system. During the admissions process, vital information is obtained that is then entered into the CRM. This information often includes insurance information as well as payment information to ensure a facility is set up to collect payment. 

In order to auto-generate charges based on attendance in an IOP program, insurance and payment information must already be collected. When an RCM is fully integrated with CRM, the data collected during the admissions process is automatically transferred over. Not only does this integration help with the process of auto-generating charges, but it also contributes to error reduction and the minimization of entering the same data into the system multiple times. 

Other Features of Lightning Step’s RCM

Some additional features of Lightning Step Technologies’ innovative RCM software include:

  • The ability to save time through creating and submitting batch submission claims with only the press of a button
  • The ability to set up automatic payment plans 
  • A unique portal for patient payments 
  • A portal for patient contribution collections and viewing statements 
  • Administrative role-based access that protects patient information from being viewed by unauthorized individuals
  • The ability to export information to GL software 
  • Payment posting flexibility 
  • The ability to configure specific billing requirements by payer and NPI
  • The ability to identify when payer reimbursement mistakes are made ahead of time 
  • A review dashboard that allows medical staff to view all case information on one single screen so that each patient can have insurance coverage for as many days of treatment as possible 
  • The ability to accept private pay credit cards in person or remotely

Billing Integration With Lightning Step

Lightning Step Technologies has made the process of data entry and billing as easy as possible for many behavioral healthcare facilities. While this is made possible with our All-In-One CRM, EMR, and RCM system, it is also due to our billing services. Lightning Step’s billing integration offers solutions to problems providers face with third-party payers. 

Lightning Step’s billing integration aims to help facilities avoid the time-consuming hassle of fixing human errors and getting insurance and benefits verified. Our system is designed to know exactly what information is needed and when it is required in order to simplify the insurance and billing process. At Lightning Step Technologies, we know the benefit of giving providers a complete idea of what coverage will look like. As a result, we utilize our database of plan-specific payment history to provide treatment facilities with a realistic idea of what to expect if their patient admits.

Patient billing will look different for every behavioral healthcare facility based on what they offer to patients. Many treatment facilities across the United States offer IOP level of care, meaning patients are not at their facility 24/7. Instead, attendance is up to the patient, which can make billing tricky. Luckily, Lightning Step Technologies has created a way to auto-generate charges based on IOP attendance. Our All-In-One CRM, EMR, and RCM system compiles data obtained during admissions and treatment to help generate these charges. When CRM, EMR, and RCM are fully integrated, your facility can be assured that no billing data is missing or incorrect, ensuring you get paid on time. Lightning Step also offers a billing integration service to help streamline the process of verifying insurance benefits. At Lightning Step Technologies, we are dedicated to helping your facility streamline its workflow. To learn more about our All-In-One system, schedule a demo today.

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