
How Can Our Software Help Your Marketing Team?

Written by Kirk Monroe | Aug 31, 2022 5:53:45 PM


With all the hard work you and your staff are doing for the community, you need an effective marketing solution to spread brand awareness. A crucial aspect of powerful marketing is having the right information about your organization and being able to tell a compelling story with it. Lightning Step Technologies is a robust data collection platform that can help in that endeavor.

Our All-In-One system combines an EMR (Electronic Medical Record), CRM (Customer Relation Management), and RCM (Revenue Cycle Management) in one place. All three systems are fully integrated and easily accessible, and information entered at any point in the system is automatically threaded to other relevant places in the system.

A CRM That Drives Marketing

When it comes to marketing, our CRM is designed to help your staff in their outreach efforts. We utilize call tracking metrics, which automatically pull a caller’s vital demographic information and start building a profile. This allows admissions staff to focus on the more difficult questions and the potential client’s most basic needs instead of collecting basic information. If that caller makes a second or third call to your organization, call tracking metrics will recognize that and pull up the caller’s profile, allowing your staff to personalize their approach with that person, even if they were not the staff member who answered the first call from this individual. 

This continuity of customer service helps potential clients feel heard from their very first contact with your organization. Additionally, it establishes rapport, and a sense of safety is paramount when encouraging someone to seek help for their mental health condition or substance abuse. 

Call tracking metrics also takes note of where the caller found your organization’s phone number. If they found it on one of your Google ads or Bing searches, you will know. Having that information is essential to understanding where to put your marketing dollars. If your Google ads are not bringing in any leads, you know that you can pull your funding from those areas and try a different, more profitable route. There is no need to guess marketing from a trial-and-error perspective. 

Additionally, call tracking metrics can track referrals from other healthcare providers. If you notice that the same physicians or mental health professionals are referring their patients to you, it can be an opening for a partnership. Establishing a relationship with that provider can give them the confidence to continue sending patients your way, and collaborating with them can open up opportunities for your professional network to grow, leading to more referrals and establishing you as a trusted voice in the recovery community.

An Alumni Community Is Already Built In

While information about referral sources is certainly a powerful marketing tool, Lightning Step can help your marketing team go a step further by drawing on the most significant source of good press your organization can get: your alumni. 

Through our partnership with CaredFor, your relationship with your clients does not have to end once they are discharged. CaredFor is an alumni social networking app that connects people who have completed treatment at your center. It allows them to share triumphs and struggles and to motivate one another to maintain their recovery. You can directly engage with your alumni community through posts and surveys, allowing you to identify those who are thriving in recovery and those who are at risk. 

Survey results can become another tool in your belt to show the public how well your alumni are doing and how effective your treatment is. Highlighting alumni testimonials can give a human touch to marketing. Beginning treatment is often a tumultuous time in one’s life, and putting a spotlight on people who have been there and have succeeded will generate hope for those on the fence about committing to treatment.

Keeping tabs on your community shows that you care about their long-term health and well-being, and that attention goes a long way. Lightning Step’s mission is to make documentation easier and faster so that you spend less time on administrative tasks and instead focus that time and effort on your patients. 

People remember who was there for them when they most needed support. When someone comes to your treatment center feeling discouraged, helpless, and even hopeless, your staff will be there to offer them the tools to get their lives back. When they leave your program and return to what they enjoy, they will be your biggest advocates. That is why Lightning Step helps you connect with patients from their first contact with the admissions team until they join the alumni community.

As more and more people access mental health services in the wake of significant societal changes and stressors, demand is outpacing supply. As a behavioral health treatment center, you are poised to make a difference in your community while growing your reach. All you need is the right marketing solution to attract and retain clients. Lightning Step’s All-In-One system was designed by leaders in the industry for leaders in the industry. We understand your data needs and know how to leverage them to create effective marketing campaigns. Whether you want to know where to put ads to reach the most people, build rapport with callers on the fence about treatment, or grow an alumni community, Lightning Step’s CRM will put you on the right path. To learn more about our All-In-One system, schedule a demo today.