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Videos January 25, 2024

The Journey Over Destination: Experiential Roads to Recovery - Behavioral Health Innovators - Ep. 16 - Joe Roller

Join advocate Benjamin Turner for an enlightening discussion about the power of experiential therapy with Joe Roller, Co-Owner of Lucent Recovery and Wellness.

In this uplifting segment from Behavioral Health Innovators, presented at The Global Exchange Conference, Joe explores the unique benefits of alternative interventions like outdoor activities, psychodrama, and mindfulness - catered to each client’s needs and preferences.

While stressing the importance of tracking long-term outcomes, Joe conveys that flourishing looks different for everyone. He’s committed to meeting people where they are with customizable care while still providing accountability and community.

Stay tuned for more boundary-pushing conversations embracing creative approaches grounded in clinical expertise and human compassion. Recovery is a journey, not a destination.



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